Free 5 Day Challenge &
$20,000 In Cash Prizes
The Co Founder Of ClickFunnels Reveals The "Hack" To a Successful Launch
Launch Your
First Product
* The Simple System To Create Products People Buy *
Free Training Video - The Top #4 Reasons Why Most Products Fail
"Feel stuck in a loop of jumping from one idea to the next?
Hoping that the next idea will be the one that finally works?"
The Three Reasons Why Most Ideas Fail
Reason #1
Opportunities Loop
Constantly jumping from one idea to the next, hoping that the next idea will be the one that finally works.
Reason #2
No Market Validation
Wasting time & money on something that no one wants to buy, or selling to the wrong market.
Reason #3
No Northstar
When things get tough, they get burnt out and give up. The only way through is a strong northstar.
This Free Challenge Covers The Why & The How To Launch Your Idea
Learn The Why
Learn The Map & Where You Are
Launching new ideas is hard. It's even harder when you don't know where you are, or where you're going.
This free challenge will give you the map, and the methods I use to launch my ideas.
Discover The How
Save Money & Time Validating
The best part is the time and money you'll save by not building anything until you know people will buy it!
Validating your idea is the most important step, and the one that most people skip.
At The End Of This Free Challenge
You Will Have Created...
Your Northstar
The key to pushing you out of the valley
Cystalize Your Idea
Even if you don't have an idea, yet!
Write Your Millon Dollar Hook
Using the Product Market Hook Formula
Validate & Launch Your Idea
With lead magnets & free traffic methods
"Who is this free challenge for?"
Early Stage Founders
You have an idea, but you're not sure if it'll work. You want to know how to validate your idea before spending thousands building it.
Growth Stage Founders
You may have a few customers, but you are not sure how to scale your business. You feel like you are "missing" that one thing.
"What will I learn in this challenge?"
5 Day Challenge Curriculum
- Day 1 -
The Mind
Understanding the cycle of being a founder, and how to get out of the valley using your Northstar.
Where you are on the map
Getting real with Fear Setting
Defining your Northstar
- Day 2 -
The Idea
Getting clear on your idea, and if you don't have one, how to find & formulate one.
Shaping your idea
Discover the Idea Framework
Benefits vs Features Worksheet
- Day 3 -
The Hook
Learn the Product Market Hook method that connects your idea to your market.
Define your first Avatar
Learn the "Simple Hook" formula
Copy Writing worksheets and exercises
- Day 4 & 5 -
The M.V.V
Creating your Minimum Viable Validation with lead magnets, and simple traffic sources.
Build your Irresistible Lead Magnet
Build your MVP product
Get traffic & validate with real people!
Free 14 Day Trial to
Create Lead Magnets
& MVP Validation Experiences
During the challenge, you will have unrestricted access to our software to create landing pages, lead magnets and mini experiences to validate your idea, and build your pre-launch email list.
All the worksheets, and resources all in one place
All Your Work Is Saved & Accessible Anytime - Even After The Challenge!
We are using ContentBlocks to run the challenge which means all of your work is saved, and you can access it anytime you want. You will be building your "idea vault" with your northstar, idea, hook, and m.v.v. all in one place.
...get a bit of help from friendly AI robots
Free AI Tools To Help You Draft Your Ideas, Benefits, and Hooks
Your genius lives within you, and we want to bring that out. AI can be a great tool to help you with your first draft. This really helps with writers block, or just feeling stuck.
"...but what if I'm not a founder?"
Yes, you are.
You just don't know it yet.
Whether you're new to business, or a seasoned veteran, you take the risks, you do the work. You are more than just a "marketer", or "sales person". You're a founder.
It's not just reserved for the tech companies.
"I have some questions..."
"Do I need a BIG idea??"
No, but to get through the hard parts, you need to have a reason ( your northstar ) to push through. Usually the big ideas have the biggest northstars.
"I already launched my idea"
Great! If you're not getting the results you want, you may be missing the hook that connects everything. We will help you find and validate it.
"I don't have an idea?"
We cover how to find the idea too! Most people have an idea, but they don't know how to start building.

For example, it could be a software idea, but you're not a tech person. The best part of this methodology is that you don't need to build anything or even know how to!

Just validate if your idea has a market, and connect to that target audience!
"No time & no money"
The second most common mistake is building something as soon as you have the idea.

The goal of the Founders Method is to validate, and build a pre launch list before you invest time, and money into building it.

You will need to invest to validate it, but that will cost significantly less than building prematurely!
"Okay, so how do I win the money?"
$20,000 in Cash Prizes
1. You join the challenge
2. Do the work & share your story!
Each day of the challenge we will have easy to follow exercises that bring you through the entire process. Mapping your Northstar, your why, getting clarity on your idea, building your hook, and getting validation from your market.
Top 4 Action Takers
Win $3,000 Each
Sharing your story, and finding your hook is all you need to win. No purchase necessary.
Plus 8 Other Ways
To Win a $1,000
The other $8,000 will be given out through fun, mini challenges during the free 5 day event.
"...who are you & why should I listen to you?"
Me in 2015 - First Funnel Hacking Live event in Vegas

Hi, my name is Dylan.

I co-founded ClickFunnels in 2014 after years of failed attempts at solving the "marketing" problem for internet marketers.

I love building and designing software, but that was only half of the battle.

I needed to know why it was such a rollercoaster launching new ideas. Even if I had launched 50+ products since 2004.

Each time was just as emotional, and difficult as the time before. It wasn't getting any "easier".

Until... I discovered the cycle of being a founder - the map.

It made things simple, and helped clarify what stage I was in. That gave the language, and the confidence to know I was on the right path.

That this crazy rollercoaster your on is normal!

My products have generated billions of dollars for my customers, and I believe your back pocket idea could be the next big thing.

I created this challenge to help you get clarity on your idea, and validate it with your market.

To help you break through the valley, and finally get the results you want.

All Rights Reserved - Dylan Jones -